Les Pronoms Toniques 4 Exercises – French

french les pronoms toniques exercises

Today we are going to focus on a very important aspect of the French language.

Tonic pronouns, or pronoms toniques, are used in French in various situations, such as when you want to emphasize something or someone, when referring to someone directly, or when there is no verb present in a sentence.

Understanding and correctly using tonic pronouns will not only enhance your French grammar skills but also significantly improve your conversational fluency. Let’s dive into this exciting topic.

The exercise is divided into four parts. The first part will challenge you to rearrange a set of words into a proper sentence, thus allowing you to better grasp sentence structure in French.

The second part is focused on translating English sentences into French, bearing in mind the use of tonic pronouns.

In the third part, you need to choose the correct tonic pronoun from a set of options. Finally, the fourth part will help you solidify your knowledge of each specific tonic pronoun as you fill in the blanks with the correct one.


1. To reinforce a pronoun or a noun


Moi, j’aime le foot.
Toi, tu aimes le basket.

2. After a preposition

Ex: – Tu viens avec moi au marché?


Pronom sujet Pronom tonique
Je moi
Tu toi
Il lui
Elle elle
nous nous
Vous vous
ils eux
elles elles


practice french


1) Put the Sentences in the Correct Order


a) brocoli / j’ / aime / moi, / le

Moi, j’aime le brocoli.


b) les / et / j’ / légumes / toi / aime / moi, / ?


c) et / Sara / m’appelle / toi / je / ?


d) Sonia / m’appelle / je / moi,


e) américains / êtes / vous, / vous


f) sommes / italiens / nous, / nous


g) sont / ils / anglais / eux,


h) toi / est / ce / livre / à / ?


2) Translate these Sentences Taking Les Pronoms Toniques into Consideration.


a) Me, I like to do shopping.

Moi, j’aime faire du shopping.


b) My name is Nadia, and you?


c) I’m a lawyer and you?


d) Sophie and I.


e) Sara and you.


f) You and me.


g) Jean and me.


h) Do you want to go with me?


3) Choose the Correct Option – Les Pronoms Toniques


a) ……….., il est italien.


b) …………, nous sommes colombiens.


c) Vous venez avec ………….. ?


d) …………., il aime le ski.


e) ……………, j’adore le volleyball.


f) ……………, j’aime la cuisine marocaine.


g) Ce cadeau est pour ………….. ?


h) Non, ce cadeau est pour ………… ?


4) Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Tonic Pronoun.


a) Il:


b) Nous:


c) Elle:


d) Je:


e) Tu:


f) Vous:


g) Ils:


h) Elles:


Well done! You have completed an intensive review of French tonic pronouns. Keep practicing these exercises, as the more you do, the more you’ll understand how and when to use these pronouns.

This will not only bolster your knowledge of French grammar but will also increase your confidence when engaging in French conversations.

Remember, every detail in language learning counts and contributes to your overall fluency. I am excited to continue this journey with you. Stay consistent, and keep up the good work!


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