German Exercises

german exercises

This idiom is not just bounded in Germany but is the most widely spoken language in the European Union. There are many interesting and fun facts about this important language, like three genders, and many more.

Are you here because you are looking to learn German due to its exotic touch? Don’t worry. We have all that you will need to get started. We will share some useful tips with you that will help you learn and stay on top of your game. You can start practicing German exercises. Below, there is a list!


🇩🇪 Exercises Der Die and Das⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Simple Past⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Useful Phrases⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Local Prepositions⇗


🇩🇪 Exercises Two-Way Prepositions⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Personal Pronouns⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Genitive Pronouns⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Interrogative Pronouns⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Accusative Case⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Nominative Case⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Dative Case⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Adjective Declension⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Superlative Adjectives⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Comparative Adjectives⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Opposite Adjectives⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Passive Voice in Present Tense⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Passive Voice in Past Tense⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Regular Verbs⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Colors Vocabulary⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises for Beginners⇗

🇩🇪 Exercises Days Months Seasons⇗


practice german

Dedicate some time everyday

Germans are often found saying ‘Deutsche Sprache, Schwere Sprache,’ and it means ‘German Language, Difficult Language.’ No matter the German language, it has 16 ways to offer you the saying ‘the’ but let me tell you that the German language is not that difficult.

In this world, nothing can be achieved without the dedication and hard work. The same goes for learning a new language. Irrespective of the fact that you are into learning Spanish or German, the key to success is dedicating a portion of your every day for learning.

It is all about consistency. You can never think of learning a language overnight or working for a day or two. I can bet that you will succeed if you give yourself enough time to absorb the language and do it slowly and consistently.


read german article

Focus on the correct use of the article

Many people will advise you to focus on context when learning a new language. And that is pretty right for many languages. But, is it also advisable to learn German in this way?

It is a question to think about!

Well, the answer is ‘No.’

If you have ever noticed, the grammar, and especially the use of the article, is of great importance in the German language. And if you are actually dedicated to learn the idiom, you should never ignore the importance of grammar and article usage.

Therefore, to have a smooth learning path, we advise you to take care of articles from the starting point.


practice german


Flashcards are also very helpful in learning a new language. This idea is great when you are just a beginner in learning the German language. For example, when you are struggling to learn the object names in German and day to day things, flashcards will help you a lot.

Just place flashcards on different things in your house, either it is your fridge, sofa, or TV. You can also put flashcards with pictures of different objects and their German translation.

You will go through the names of these day-to-day objects every now and then. And you already know how our brains work! It will feed the information for future use, even before you know!


practice german

Fight language interference

Language interference will be death to your efforts for learning the German language. You will have to face severe cravings for falling back to your first language! But it is completely alright. This is exactly how our brains work!

But what is your job?

Try to overcome these cravings as much as possible. If you have finally decided to learn the German, don’t let your brain distract you by saying that you can easily learn by translating it into your first language. When it’s German, let it be German.


practice german

Practice with German exercises

German exercises have a lot to add to your learning. They will stimulate your brain to absorb the studied content more quickly while adding new words and phrases to your vocabulary.


practicing german movies

Watch German movies

You can also learn German with entertainment. Sounds cool? Here is how you can improvise your German learning with your entertainment time.

How about watching German movies, TV shows, and series? You will be happy with the results of improvising this tip in your German learning plan. All you have to do is watch German movies and Tv shows with subtitles in your first language.

This will help you to contextualize the use of different phrases. Furthermore, you will be able to understand a lot of slang vocabulary from the language.


listen music

Listen to German music

One way to learn any language is to expose yourself to the media of that language as much as possible. In this way, when you are listening to the same language again and again, your ears will develop receptivity for it. The result will always be good; fast learning. Therefore, our advice and tips for learning the German language are to listen to German music.

It means to listen to German radio, music, podcasts, tv shows, or any other chance of listening to the German language. Once your ears become familiar with the words, it will be easy for you to contextualize the words and understand the meaning. This tip is great to learn German by listening.


practice online

There is no right way of learning

For many things, we are dictated with a set pattern to follow and given guidelines for success. But, when you are learning the German language, there is no one fixed way of learning it! The way that brings success to you will be right for you.

This tip is the most important to know before getting into learning. Because you might fall prey to the ways that worked for someone else. But, it is not compulsory that it will work the same way for you. You have to figure out for yourself that what will work for you.

If we said, Don’t go for language interference, there is a probability that you might do better with language interference.



Red flags when learning German

We have talked a lot about what you should do to facilitate your learning process. Let’s have a word about red flags you should run away from when learning the German language.

• Don’t be over-ambitious. By this, we mean that don’t set overwhelming milestones. Because it will do no good for you. Instead, you will be quickly drained after failing to meet milestones.

• It is okay to use a dictionary for verifying the words and their meanings, but it is not a good idea in the beginning. When you go for a specific language dictionary, it will confuse you a lot because there are many complexities and contextualization. So, keep it simple and stay away from dictionaries.

We have shared these tips for helping you through your learning journey. We hope you are well accompanied by these tips to bring fruitful results of your efforts. And don’t forget to practice. All the German exercises will help you to learn more easily and understand the grammar faster!


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