Spanish Exercises

spanish exercises to practice

It is the second most spoken language globally, and to surprise, it is the easiest language to learn. Just like English, it has different dialects. Spanish of Argentina is different from the Spanish accent in Spain.

And one more thing that makes it easy to learn is its phonetic system. It means you know how to pronounce a word when you look at it. More than 500 million people in the world speak this idiom, and it is just a lovely language.

You might want to learn this language due to your personal interest in exploring different cultures. You can start practicing with Spanish exercises. Below, there is a list!


🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Simple Present➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Past Tenses➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Los Pronombres➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Present Continuous➚


🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Prepositions Por, para, de, desde, con➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Days, Months and Seasons➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Bueno Bien Buen➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Common Words and phrases➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Tú x Usted➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Telling the time➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Airport Vocabulary➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Restaurant Vocabulary➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Colors Vocabulary➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises House Vocabulary➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Clothes Vocabulary➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Body Parts➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Family Members➚

🇪🇦 Spanish Exercises Question Words➚


listening spanish

Make your ears spanish

We have come up with some pro tips for your learning plan. With the help of these simple yet effective tips, you will enjoy the journey. So let’s get in.

When you are listening to something over and over again, your ears become familiar with it. Gradually, you absorb the said words, sentences, and phrases, and the learning process becomes fast. If you are learning the this language, you should make your ears Spanish.

You must know the fact that language learning starts with oral communication. And developing your ear to Spanish means listening as much as you can.

It means to listen radio, music, podcasts, tv shows, or any other chance of listening to the language. Once your ears become familiar with the words, it will be easy for you to contextualize the words and understand the meaning. This tip is great to learn by listening.


spanish language

Learn Gradually

You cannot expect to learn any language overnight or in a week. Although Spanish looks easy language, and it is. But, as a learner, you shouldn’t be looking for a straight line graph just going up and up. Like any other language, learn it gradually and consistently.

If one thing about Spanish is troubling you, you don’t have to just drop your morale. Instead, work on it, invest more time and effort. At the end of the day, you will win. Another practice to do in hard times of learning is recalling the things you know the best. It will help you to make it to the next level of learning.

spanish notes practice

Simulate your surrounding environment

What will you do if everything around you is in Spanish? Your food has Spanish names, your furniture has Spanish names, and every little thing around has a Spanish name.

Simulating an environment where learning the idiom become inevitable for you is another trick to learn it. All you have to do is use flashcards or labels and translate everything around you. For instance, label your desk as el escritorio, door as la puerta, and so on.

Now, whenever you look at things around you, that label will be repeated in your mind. You will master yourself in the idiom vocabulary in a few days, and now you can remove the labels from your things.


spanish language

Learn Tricks

Undoubtedly this idiom is one of the easiest languages to learn. But, obviously, you would have to struggle to understand the slang vocabulary of the language. However, a few tricks can help you to learn common things about Spanish.

The spellings are very consistent. Secondly, the vowels are pure without any diphthongs. Diphthongs are when two vowels make a new sound. In Spanish, masculine and feminine, with some exceptions, are very easy to remember. Almost all words ending with ‘a’ are feminine, and words ending with ‘o’ are masculine.


read spanish

Try to read Spanish at every possible place

Wouldn’t it be a fun and more enriched experience to learn if you don’t miss any opportunity to read Spanish? Yes, you should try to read Spanish in every possible place.

Read newspapers and magazines with short stories and news. You might not understand it completely, but gradually, you will start understanding the context.

How if we merge the taste of foodies with the Spanish language? You can also make an opportunity to learn it while you are cooking or sitting at a restaurant. While cooking, you can try to make food from the Spanish recipes written in the Spanish language. You might end up making a mistake or two. But you would love this practice.


spanish language

Write dairy in Spanish

We have already discussed some tips related to learning the idiom by reading and listening. Let’s head toward learning the language by writing. This practice is for people who have already learned something, can understand and write to some extent.

Write your dairy in Spanish and repeat this practice daily. You don’t need to express your river of emotions in on the first day. Start with some simple sentences explaining your day. Gradually keep on increasing the complexity and number of sentences. The results will amaze you.


spanish language

Practice with Spanish exercises

Spanish exercises have a lot to add to your learning. They will stimulate your brain to absorb the studied content more quickly while adding new words and phrases to your vocabulary.


practicing spanish

Watch Spanish movies with subtitles

You can also learn with entertainment. Sounds cool? Here is how you can improvise your learning with your entertainment time.

How about watching movies, TV shows, and series? You will be happy with the results of improvising this tip in your learning plan. All you have to do is watch movies and Tv shows with subtitles in your first language.

This will help you to contextualize the use of different phrases. Furthermore, you will be able to understand a lot of slang vocabulary from the language.



Talk to yourself in Spanish

The last but not the least tip to learn the idiom is to talk to yourself. Wondering how?

Yes, It’s possible.

This practice is more like thinking in Spanish. When you are spending time with yourself, doing anything at home or office, try to explain the work to yourself in Spanish. Or you can simply share your thoughts with yourself. One good example can be talking to yourself about what you will do for the whole day.

No matter if the language is easy to learn, you can only expect to succeed if you follow the right path. We have shared some personal tips from the box. We expect that these tips will help you pace your learning experience.

Don’t forget to share this page with your friends. They migh enjoy practicing with spanish exercises as well.



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