5 Italian Subjunctive Exercises

italian subjunctive exercises

Buongiorno studenti! Today, we are going to delve into the intricacies of the Italian language, focusing on a particularly fascinating aspect: the Subjunctive Mood.

Il Congiuntivo, as it is called in Italian, is a vital component of expressing desires, doubts, wishes, and hypothetical situations.

It’s a mood that allows you to convey your emotions and thoughts in a nuanced way, bringing a rich layer of expression to your conversations and writings in Italian.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, exploring various activities and exercises designed to help you master the Subjunctive Mood in Italian.

Pay close attention, engage with the material, and don’t hesitate to ask questions as we go along. Pronti? Andiamo!


practice Italian


1) Put the Sentences in the Correct Order – Italian Subjunctive Mood


a) non / credo / sia / che / necessario

Credo che non sia necessario.


b) venga / voglio / tu / che / alla / festa


c) noi / è / meglio / partiamo / subito / che


d) lui / temo / che / in / ritardo / sia


e) tu / spero / che / stia / bene


f) voi / dubito / sappiate / la / risposta / che


g) loro / è / possibile / abbiano / ragione / che


h) pensavo / sarebbe / stato / così / difficile / non / che


i) è / necessario / faccia / i / compiti / che / tu


j) il / che / tu / dimenticato / mio / compleanno / temo / abbia


k) possa / speriamo / che / venire / al / matrimonio / lei


l) lui / capisca / che / il / problema / dubito


2) Can you Translate these Sentences? Italian Subjunctive Mood Exercises


a) I hope you are doing well.

Spero che tu stia bene.


b) I think it’s better if we leave now.


c) I don’t believe that he is the right person for this job.


d) It’s possible that they have already arrived.


e) I doubt that she knows the answer.


f) I want you to be happy.


g) I’m afraid that we are late.


h) I didn’t think it would be so difficult.


i) We hope that you can come to the wedding.


j) I doubt he understands the problem.


k) I’m afraid you have forgotten my birthday.


l) I think it's necessary that you do your homework.


3) Practice your Vocabulary


a) I believe – I doubt – I hope

Credo – Dubito – Spero


b) It's better than - It's possible that - I want that


c) I'm afraid that - It is necessary that - I didn't think that


d) We hope that - I doubt that - I think that


4) Practice Your Writing by Translating these Small Texts Taking the Italian Subjunctive Mood into Consideration


I doubt that this restaurant can offer a better pasta dish than my grandmother’s. Her secret recipe has been passed down through generations, and everyone in the family believes that its unique flavor is incomparable.


I hope that during this trip, we can explore the city’s hidden gems and experience its authentic culture. It’s important that we take the time to immerse ourselves in the local traditions and savor the unique flavors of the region.


5) About Italian Subjunctive Mood, Write the Questions to the Answers


a) Spero che tu possa venire presto. (Quan…)

Quando spera che tu possa venire?


b) Non pensavo che sarebbe stato così facile. (Come...)


c) Dubito che lui abbia capito tutto. (Cosa...)


d) Voglio che tu sia felice. (Come...)


e) È necessario che facciamo i compiti ora. (Cosa...)


f) Temo che siamo in ritardo. (Cosa...)


g) Speriamo che lei possa aiutarci. (Chi...)


h) Penso che sia meglio se partiamo ora. (Cosa...)


i) Non credo che lui sia la persona giusta per questo lavoro. (Chi...)


j) È possibile che loro siano già arrivati. (Chi...)


k) Dubito che lei sappia la risposta. (Cosa...)


l) Non pensavo che sarebbe stato così difficile. (Come...)


Bravissimi, studenti! You have done an excellent job today diving into the Subjunctive Mood in Italian.

Il Congiuntivo is a challenging aspect of the Italian language, but it’s crucial for expressing yourselves in a sophisticated and accurate manner.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to mastering any language, and today’s exercises were just a starting point.

Keep reviewing these concepts, practicing the sentence structures, and integrating the Subjunctive Mood into your daily Italian conversations and writings.

I am confident that with dedication and continuous practice, you will become proficient in using the Subjunctive Mood in Italian. Ottimo lavoro oggi, e ci vediamo alla prossima lezione!


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