5 Italian Asking and Giving Directions Exercises

italian asking and giving directions exercises

Buongiorno, studente! Today, we are going to embark on a practical journey through the Italian language, focusing on a vital aspect of everyday life, asking for and giving directions.

Navigating through Italian streets, finding landmarks, or just helping a friend find their way in Italy requires specific vocabulary and sentence structures.

This lesson will ensure you are well-prepared to handle such situations with ease. We’ll go through exercises that put sentences in order, translate from English to Italian, enhance your vocabulary related to directions, and even write small texts.

Practice makes perfect, so let’s dive in and bring you one step closer to conversing confidently in Italian about directions. Andiamo!


practice Italian


1) Put the Sentences in the Correct Order – Italian Asking and Giving Directions


a) la / dov’è / farmacia?

Dov’è la farmacia?


b) sempre / vai / dritto


c) a / gira / destra / all'angolo


d) incrocio / prossimo / al / vai


e) come / arrivo / museo / al / ?


f) vicino / è / al / parco / l'hotel / ?


g) a / sinistra / prendi / la / seconda


h) alla / fermata / prossima / scendi


i) la / traversa / mappa / sulla / mostra


j) accanto / il / stazione / alla / è / supermercato


k) dietro / lontano, / non / è / l'ospedale / è


l) alla / la / stazione / fronte / è / in / posta


2) Can you Translate these Sentences? Italian Asking and Giving Directions Exercises


a) Where is the closest subway station?

Dove è la stazione della metropolitana più vicina?


b) You have to turn right at the traffic lights.


c) Is there a parking lot near here?


d) The library is in front of the park.


e) How do I get to the airport from here?


f) This road goes straight to the city center.


g) Can you show me on the map where we are?


h) The restaurant is next to the hotel.


i) Walk along this street, then take the first left.


j) The bus stop is behind the square.


k) Excuse me, how can I get to the cathedral?


l) The museum is at the end of this road.


3) Practice your Vocabulary


a) Right – Left – Straight

Destra – Sinistra – Dritto


b) Map - Traffic Light - Sidewalk


c) Roundabout - Crossroad - Signpost


d) Subway - Bus Stop - Taxi Stand


e) Train Station - Airport - Parking Lot


f) Street - Avenue - Boulevard


g) Corner - End of the Road - Next to


h) In front of - Behind - Opposite


i) Close - Far - Near


4) Practice Your Writing by Translating these Small Texts Taking the Italian Asking and Giving Directions into Consideration


As you exit the station, turn left and walk down the main street. After passing the post office and the coffee shop, you'll see the museum on your right, just before the bridge.


To find the old theatre, continue straight past the fountain, take the second right, and then the first left. The theatre is right there, with a bright red door that's hard to miss.


5) About Italian Asking and Giving Directions, Write the Obvious Questions to the Answers


a) L’ufficio informazioni è al secondo piano. (Dove… .. ..zioni?)

Dove si trova l’ufficio informazioni?


b) Sì, la banca è proprio dietro l'angolo. (La... .. ..na?)


c) Per andare al castello, segui questa strada fino in cima alla collina. (Come fa...)


d) La stazione di polizia è accanto alla biblioteca. (Dove si...)


e) Il parco è a cinque minuti a piedi da qui. (Quanto...)


f) Puoi prendere l'autobus numero 24 per andare al museo. (Quale...)


g) Dopo il semaforo, troverai il supermercato sulla tua destra. (Dove...)


h) Il ristorante che cerchi è di fronte al cinema. (Dove...)


i) La farmacia più vicina è sulla via principale, accanto alla pasticceria. (Dove...)


j) Scendi alla prossima fermata e poi gira a destra. (Cosa fa...)


Eccellente lavoro oggi! I am incredibly proud of the progress you’ve made in mastering the art of asking and giving directions in Italian.

These exercises are not just about learning new words; they are about immersing yourself in the Italian culture, understanding how to navigate social interactions, and gaining the confidence to explore the vibrant streets of Italy.

As you continue to study and practice, remember that each phrase you learn opens up new avenues of conversation and connection. So, keep this momentum going, and soon, you’ll be giving directions like a local! Arrivederci e buona fortuna!


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