Italian Adverbs of Frequency Exercises

italian adverbs of frequency exercises

Ciao caro studente! Today, we are going to dive into the world of Italian adverbs of frequency (avverbi di frequenza).

Understanding how to use these adverbs is crucial as they help us express how often activities occur, providing a richer context in our conversations and writings.

In Italian, just like in English, these adverbs play a significant role in daily communication, allowing us to share our routines, habits, and preferences with others. So, grab your notebook, pay attention, and let’s embark on this linguistic journey together.

We will start by organizing sentences, translating phrases, expanding our vocabulary, and even practicing with some small texts. Are you ready? Bene, iniziamo!


practice Italian


1) Put the Sentences in the Correct Order – Italian Adverbs of Frequency


a) faccio / sempre / colazione / io

Io faccio sempre colazione.


b) spesso / mangiamo / fuori


c) non / legge / mai / Marco / giornali


d) a / vado / raramente / teatro


e) andiamo / di / in / palestra / solito


f) quasi mai / loro / rispondono / telefono / al


g) guarda / TV / spesso / lui / la


h) viaggi / ogni tanto / tu / in treno


i) lavora / sempre / sodo / lei


j) normalmente / ci / alziamo / presto


k) di rado / escono / sera / la


l) parliamo / mai / politica / non / di


2) Can you Translate these Sentences? Italian Adverbs of Frequency Exercises


a) I always arrive on time.

Arrivo sempre in orario.


b) She rarely eats meat.


c) They often travel abroad.


d) He never forgets his keys.


e) We usually have dinner at 8.


f) You (formal) rarely visit us.


g) I almost never drink coffee.


h) You (plural) always play basketball on Saturdays.


i) They sometimes forget to lock the door.


j) We often go to bed late.


k) You (informal) usually wake up early.


l) She always listens to music while working.


3) Practice your Vocabulary


a) Always – Often – Usually

Sempre – Spesso – Di solito


b) Rarely - Never - Sometimes


c) Almost never - Every now and then - Normally


d) Occasionally - Seldom - Usually


e) Regularly - Constantly


f) Periodically - Generally - Infrequently


g) Often - Almost always - Hardly ever


h) Frequently - Never - Every now and then


4) Practice Your Writing by Translating these Small Texts Taking the Italian Adverbs of Frequency into Consideration


He almost never misses a workout, ensuring that he stays fit and healthy. His routine is strict, but he enjoys it, knowing that he is taking care of his body and mind, fostering a sense of well-being and balance.


She usually spends her weekends exploring new places, capturing the beauty of nature with her camera. Photography is her passion, and she never misses an opportunity to enhance her skills, often attending workshops and exhibitions, immersing herself in the world of visual arts.


5) About Italian Adverbs of Frequency, Write the Questions to the Answers


a) Vado spesso al cinema. (Quanto…)

Quanto spesso vai al cinema?


b) Mangiamo sempre insieme la domenica. (Mangiate...)


c) Non viaggio mai durante l'inverno. (Viaggi...)


d) Lui legge di solito prima di dormire. (Cosa...)


e) Lavorano raramente il sabato. (Lavorano...)


f) Ci vediamo quasi mai. (Vi...)


g) Lei parla spesso di te. (Di chi...)


h) Studio regolarmente ogni giorno. (Quando...)


i) Non mangio mai carne rossa. (Mangi...)


j) Andiamo sempre in vacanza a giugno. (Quando...)


k) Di solito ci svegliamo presto. (Quando...)


l) Lui lavora occasionalmente il weekend. (Lui...)


Bravissimo! You’ve done an excellent job today, and I can see that you have a much clearer understanding of Italian adverbs of frequency now.

Remember, mastering these adverbs takes practice, so don’t be discouraged if it feels challenging at first. Keep practicing, use them in your daily Italian conversations, and soon they will become second nature to you.

As we concluded our session with some real-life examples in small texts, you can see how these adverbs are used in context, which is vital for your language development.

Don’t hesitate to revisit these exercises and examples whenever you need a refresher. Ottimo lavoro oggi, e ricorda: la pratica rende perfetti – practice makes perfect! A presto, e continua a studiare con entusiasmo!



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