5 Italian Countries and Nationalities Exercises

italian countries and nationalities exercises

Ciao, studente! Today, we’re going to embark on a cultural and linguistic journey through various countries while also expanding our understanding of nationalities in Italian (Paesi e nazionalità).

This is a crucial aspect of learning the language, as it helps us to communicate about ourselves and others, understanding where we all come from.

It fosters a sense of global citizenship and enhances our conversational skills. Remember, languages are not just about grammar and vocabulary; they are also about connecting with people’s heritage and identities.

So let’s dive in and explore the diverse tapestry of countries and nationalities. Pronti? Cominciamo!


practice Italian


1) Put the Sentences in the Correct Order – Countries and Nationalities


a) è / Canada / James / canadese / dal

James è canadese dal Canada.


b) è / italiana / da / Lei / l'Italia


c) sono / noi / italiani / dall'Italia


d) russi / dalla / amici / I / Russia / sono / miei


e) sono / giapponesi / dal / I / Giappone / turisti


f) dall'Inghilterra / provengono / sono / inglesi / e


g) dalla / vengono / sono / tedeschi / Germania / e


h) è / dall'Australia / mia / sorella / australiana


i) il / di / professore / è / francese / Francia


j) è / brasiliano / dal / Il / Brasile / nuovo / studente


k) viene / dalla / Mia / cugina / Spagna / è / spagnola / ed


l) americani / gli / provengono / Stati Uniti / sono / dagli / e / da lì


2) Can you Translate these Sentences? Countries and Nationalities Exercises


a) Peter is an American from the United States.

Peter è un americano degli Stati Uniti.


b) The teacher is German.


c) They are Chinese tourists from China.


d) She is a Spanish woman from Spain.


e) The engineer is Russian.


f) Our neighbors are Italian from Italy.


g) My girlfriend is French from France.


h) That company is Japanese.


i) The artist is Swedish.


j) These products are Dutch from the Netherlands.


k) I have a Brazilian friend from Brazil.


l) The football player is Portuguese.


3) Practice your Vocabulary


a) Italy – France – Germany

Italia – Francia – Germania


b) Spain - Portugal - Belgium


c) United States - Canada - Mexico


d) China - Japan - South Korea


e) Australia - New Zealand - India


f) Brazil - Argentina - Colombia


g) Russia - Ukraine - Poland


h) Egypt - Morocco - South Africa


i) Turkey - Greece - Cyprus


4) Practice Your Writing by Translating these Small Texts Taking the Italian Countries and Nationalities into Consideration


Carlos is from Mexico and loves the vibrant culture of his homeland. He often wears traditional clothing to celebrate his roots, and his house is decorated with colorful Mexican art, reflecting the spirited life of his country.


Sophie, a Belgian chocolatier, has a small shop in Brussels where she crafts exquisite chocolates. The scents of rich cocoa and sweet sugar waft through the air, attracting locals and tourists alike to the flavors of Belgium.


5) About Italian Countries and Nationalities, Write the Questions to the Answers


a) Sono nato in Germania e sono tedesco. (Dove…)

Dove sei nato e di che nazionalità sei?


b) La mia amica è inglese e viene dall'Inghilterra. (Da dove...)


c) Mia madre è russa. (Di che...)


d) I miei genitori hanno vissuto per anni in Svizzera. (Dove...)


e) Il mio cibo preferito è italiano. (Quale...)


f) Studierò in Giappone il prossimo anno. (Dove...)


g) La mia insegnante di danza è spagnola. (Di che...)


h) Ho comprato una macchina prodotta in Corea. (Dove...)


i) Il mio autore preferito è irlandese. (Di che...)


j) Viviamo in Norvegia ma siamo italiani. (Dove...)


Eccellente lavoro oggi! You’ve practiced rearranging sentences to match the Italian structure, translated phrases into Italian, and worked on expanding your vocabulary related to countries and nationalities.

You’ve also put your skills to the test with some writing exercises, bringing us closer to the heart of the Italian language, a language steeped in culture and history.

Each time you speak or write about countries and nationalities in Italian, you’re not just using words; you’re also evoking the rich tapestry of experiences and histories that shape our world.

Continue to practice, and don’t hesitate to immerse yourself in the cultures behind the language. Alla prossima lezione!


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